Private Sound Meditation Events
Float away in a private sound bathing session with our reiki masters playing the singing bowls and adding sound effects from synthesizers and gongs.
Sound Bathing
A public space event for over 10 people that starts of with ecstatic dance followed by a relaxing sound bath with synthesizers and sound bowls.
Sound Events
Retreats are getaways with us and our sound to a private house. Lengths can vary from 1 day to 3, with multiple rituals and activities in sound.
Coming up:
Create Your Reality
Personal Art Exploration & Sound Bath
San Jose, California
This event is designed for individuals, friends, and couples who want to explore their artistic abilities and see how deep they can expand on them right after a relaxing infiniteU sound bath with quartz crystal vases, a gong, and nature sounds.
• Sound bathing and meditation to relax & activate Chakras
• Tea Ceremony & discussion to prep our mind for the artistic portion
• Painting your realization onto a canvas to subliminally change our perspective and realize we are the creators of our world
This event is brought to you by InfiniteU and Crazy Flowers—a collaboration of spiritual practitioners, healers, musicians, and artists.